Dr. Jean-Philippe Humbert earned his PhD in Information and
Communication Sciences, at Université Paul Verlaine of Metz,
focusing on information security and cybercriminality. He is the
Vice-President of the Agence pour la Normalisation et l’Economie
de la Connaissance (ANEC GIE) and the Deputy Director of the
Institut Luxembourgeois de la Normalisation, de l’Accréditation,
de la Sécurité et qualité des produits et services (ILNAS). In
this frame, he is responsible for the national standardization
strategy. Heavily involved in ICT Technical standardization and
Education about standardization since 2002, Dr. Humbert is also
President of the National Mirror Committee ISO/IEC Joint
Technical Committee 1 “Information Technology” and lecturer for
the University of Luxembourg.